Uduino can manage the simultaneous connection of multiple arduino boards. The procedure is easy and


On Arduino IDE when you instantiate the Uduino class, the string corresponds to the arduino name.

Uduino uduino("myFirstBoard"); 

// On your other arduino program:
Uduino uduino("mySecondBoard"); 

If you want to connect several boards using the default sketch, you can upload Uduino.ino with the "uduinoBoard"


Warning: This example is using the old Uduino 1.4 API. [Updated to 2.0 , Feb 20th] This example will be updated in the next couple of days, in the meantime, please refer to the examples provided with the package.

Have a look at the documentation. All the functions to read or write the board can be taken in parameters the board name. This one corresponds to the name you gave in your arduino code.


    void Start()
        UduinoManager.Instance.OnValueReceived += OnValuesReceived;

    void Update()
        UduinoManager.Instance.Read("myArduinoName", "myVariable");
        UduinoManager.Instance.Read("myOtherArduino", "mySensor");

    void OnValuesReceived(string data, string device)
        if (device == "myArduinoName") sensorOne = int.Parse(data);
        else if (device == "myOtherArduino") sensorTwo = int.Parse(data);

When you read the data , you can set as parameters (string data, string name)

Example: Uduino\Examples\Advanced\MultipleArduino